Best Conversations Starters-No More Social Scripts

Conversation starters

Everyone has been a part of boring mind-numbing conversations at many social or professional events where you have to spend your night answering the same questions with similar replies repeatedly over and over again and eventually reaching that phenomenal phase of
" Get me out of here now, Get me out. "
Questions and Answers you have been declaiming out loud in a rhetorical impassioned way so many times that you feel like reading from a script is commonly known as SOCIAL SCRIPT.
It is boring I know and it makes time go
endlessly especially in reunions or events held annually.

Breaking Social Scripts need the talent of initiating memorable and engaging conversations and you have to consider few tricks to achieve.

1-Avoid asking boring questions that barley have real answers and obviously guests have been answering the entire night at such gatherings unless you want to torment someone.

General questions as: How are you? How is  Everything? What do you do for life now? Where are you from? How many years have you been in this field?  are so common and boring that they had their own automatic replies, People don't think when they have been asked how are you they just answer FINE, ALL GOOD.
Such questions don't trigger excitement, unlike SPECIFIC questions as :
  1. Excited about the after-party?
  2.  Nice organization, don't you think? 
  3. Working on a new project that are you passionate about, recently? 
  4. Reading anything exciting, lately? I could really use your help to suggest a book for me. 
  5. Any plans for the upcoming vacation?
  6. Watching any interesting TV Shows, for a while?
  7.  Any recent bad experience with online stores?
  8. Attending any personal or career development course, lately?
  9. Following any influencers or bloggers recently?
  10. Does career shift cross your mind every now and then? what would you be doing for life if not for your current career?
2-Always Count on Questions searching for positive vibes or good news or an opinion or a suggestion because such questions trigger people to tell stories and it is really interesting for them so you will have their full attention easily.
"PIECE OF CAKE '' Compelling Stories are the best conversation starters.

3-You should also be prepared for other scenarios where some people might need a minute or two in order to process your question and reply.
In such cases, the best plan to implement is to go from spontaneous open-ended questions to Aided Questions so you have to prepare a great answer to every question you ask to aid stumbling people.

Example: if you go with this question " Attending any personal or career development course, lately?" and the other person was like " Hmmmm, ....."
Come up with an aid saying " I have been fond of  free online courses on linked-in for a while and they have been very useful and nourishing "

Last but not least, remember to stay away from Questions you already know their answers.
They are just boring for them as they are boring for you?

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Creating Great first impressions by Vanessa van Edwards.
Communicating with confidence by jeff Ansell.

N.B Data has been finely summarized and collected for your Perusal.
