Have you ever thought about shifting your career but kept on trailing off?

Are you having these nagging whispers urging you to make some changes but making the decision is not that simple?

Actually, such a mindset is pretty common and most of us feel stuck in the middle of a draining debate between carrying on and quitting our jobs or shifting our careers.

Big life changes can be intimidating but you know what, Regret is even scarier because ignoring your inner voice " What you are right now is not what you want to end up with-Pick a job that doesn't need escaping from" won't get you any further.

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"Progress is impossible without a change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything" G.B.S

I think it is time to take A LEAP OF FAITH and enjoy achieving your goal through hard work and strategic planning. So Please saddle up your horses and get it done in 4 easy steps.


Making out a list of your WHYS will help you organize your thoughts and plan properly for your strategy.

RIDDLE ME THIS?? ًWhy Do you want out? What do you hate about your job? Why do you need to make some changes and what kind of change are you looking for?

It is like exercising to determine your next move, and figure out whether it is a job dissatisfaction that can be addressed without switching career paths or not.

Having a job dissatisfaction due to bossy seniors, distracting coworkers, or maybe taking to long to get to work can be managed by changing companies or departments. On the other hand, a general career dissatisfaction due to lacking required essential skills or being super energetic yet you have to sit on a desk for 8 hours or selling low-quality products interfering with your values and beliefs can only be managed by making a switch.

SECOND: Change Your Mindset

ASK YOURSELF?? What is keeping me from pressing the"RESET" button? Why do I keep on silencing these nagging whispers? and know that being concerned about the consequences & taking the risks can be healthily used to come up with some innovative actionable solutions and overcome obstacles.

Overthinking about being too late or starting all over again after reaching a senior level in your current role makes you doubt your potentials so believe in yourself and Get started now no how hard or scary it is for you and keep telling yourself you can do. Using the help of your friends and family who are super supportive of this decision would be great as well.

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THIRD: Do Some Research & Get Ready

After Identifying your drivers and barriers you are ready to create a strategy for your transition. Let's try to follow a realistic direction by doing good homework and research to know everything related to the business sector you want it.

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  1. Choose the right time given your situation and surrounding circumstances and start simply because those baby steps you are taking right now besides your current job are perfect as a start to feel satisfied and fulfilled in a career you deserve.
  2. Do some research to know more about essential skills/qualifications required, barriers to entry, culture, and environment as well as common roles and duties by reaching out to the right people who went through the similar transitioning experiences and managed to succeed. " A career peer or websites like"


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  1. Set a short term goal to improve your qualifications and productivity by regular evaluation of your performance and addressing any current gaps for your next move.
  2. Set a long term goal of developing relevant skills & qualifications to match those required for the transition by enrolling in online or F2F courses or continuous education degrees, whatever suits your schedule and budget to improve your areas of information.
  3. Reach out more people and grow our connections then get more involved in different majors by volunteering to have a diversified exposure in a low-pressure environment.
  4. Visualize yourself in this new path and start looking up to leaders and Top voices and follow their example.
  5. Get started with the LinkedIn job search as any vacancy seeker and set an alert for relevant roles then apply.
"I have been doing Market Research for almost 7 years, right after having my degree in Veterinary medical sciences, and throughout my journey, I was always having this outgrowing passion for content creation & writing which urged me to take that leap of faith and try to turn that passion into a business and eventually a career. My first step was professionalizing this passion through developing new skills such as business development, web writing, content marketing, SEO & social media marketing by enrolling to Professional programs and courses to confidently go on with my next step of creating something so innovative & useful to serve and help everyone in achieving their goals no matter what they need because it is the perfect legacy anyone can wish for." Yara Ashraf Zayed


" Inspired by the amazing work of Stacey A. Gordon, Leslie Helmuth & Joseph Liu "

  • Making a career change course by Stacey A. Gordon
  • 5 Tips for Changing Careers by Leslie Helmuth
  • How To Change Careers, According To 50 People Who Made A Pivot by Joseph Liu
