COVID19: Working From Home Pros & Cons

Since we are in this together against the coronavirus outbreak, we have to spread awareness and get the latest updates to overcome this Crisis.

Unfortunately, the Coronavirus managed to disturb our daily routine on both professional and social levels, so bad that most of us are either having anxiety problems, depression flares or working from home side effects as a result of the excessive usage of digital screens affecting our mental and physical health and made it necessary for us to cut off the developed bad habits we gained due to spare time and curfews.

It is true that working from home has some Pros & con, so let's have a look

Pros of working from home ( Enough with the Office based jobs )
  1. Being your own boss without having to worry about a dress code or arriving late.
  2. Working in comfy cozy clothes
  3. Flexible hours and schedules
  4. Increased productivity and finalizing more tasks due to skipping office distractions.
  5. Saves time and effort especially spent on transportation from and to work.
  6. Saving transportation and daily pocket money budget. 
  7. Quality time with family 
Cons of working from home
  1. Working late to get things done properly after having too many breaks someday.
  2. It is hard to replicate a healthy working environment and motivating teamwork or brainstorming sessions over lunch breaks at home.
  3. Home internet connection errors can mess your day up especially if you are having a deadline
  4. Family distractions can affect your focus if left uncontrolled. " Beware of Netflix"
  5. Sticking to a routine can be very harmful for your morale 
  6. Boredom and isolation is tough for active social people who miss office CONVOS
  7. Excessive use of digital screens for meetings and communication either by texting skyping or phone calls.

Here You Go, Some Handy tips to overcome previously mentioned cons of working from home
  1.  Set up a workspace and a schedule to stick to in order to avoid distractions as much as possible.
  2. Avoid putting your phone on silent or don't disturb mode during working hours
  3. Be active and responsive to work E-mails  even with short replies 
  4. Don't forget to take a break of 10-15 minutes every 2 hours ( Have something to drink or  2 groups of push-ups anything irrelevant to technology.
  5.  Read a book or enroll in an online course to break your routine

A limit must be agreed upon regarding the usage of digital screens including laptops TVs Smartphones and Tablets to avoid serious side effects on the long run.
You have to reduce your screen time activity into 6-8 hours a day maximum to avoid some annoying side effects of excessive use of digital screens such as
  1. Headache and migraines 
  2. Dizziness 
  3. Nausea
  4. Insomnia and sleeping troubles
  5. Blurry vision
  6. Depression 
  7. Anxiety 
  8. Eating disorders
