COVID19: Managing A Career & Staying Sane Struggle

The Covid19 outbreak has remarkably disturbed our daily routine, Given its global impact on life as we know it on so many levels that we can't even remember how we used to live before this crisis.
Affecting your career and professional life 
  1. Business owners have been severely struggling and some mentioned that COVID19 lockdown had scared their business for life and that the damage might not be reparable.
  2. Move 2020 out of your to-do list because It is not exactly the ideal year for investments.
  3. Millions of workers around the world have applied for unemployment.
  4. Getting downsized during this crisis is the main concern for employees who didn't invest and don't have any other income or savings to rely on.
  5. Working from home is not a good idea for everyone especially for  highly active extroverts social persons who have outdoor jobs and used to street style activities
  6. It has been a painful time for any business related to fieldwork, face to face interaction, traveling, tourism, and outdoor selling or promoting for products since they have been offline for almost 3 months now.
  7. Daily simple workers and craftsmen who don't have s fixed-job suffer the most to provide their families especially in developing countries. 
  8. People without income for 2-3 months are withdrawing money from their savings accounts everywhere
CEOS should prioritize supporting their customers and suppliers, addressing supply chain disruption, stabilizing revenues, aligning their businesses with evolving demand and identifying new growth pathways. It is the perfect timing for the journey to agility. #Copied
COVID19 Impact on your Mental & Physical Health

4-Low self-esteem
5-Self Isolation
6- Anger issues
7- Family conflicts
8-Marriage problems
9-Eating disorders causing fast Losing or gaining weight.
10- lack of activity might decrease your moral
11- psychological burdens can cause serious physical illnesses
12- Hospitals fully occupied with COVID19 patients making it really challenging for other patients especially acute cases requiring immediate ER or admission.
Chronic patients and pregnant women are and highly susceptible to getting infected and the chance is getting higher with hospitals acquired infections.

Make sure you take all precautions And follow social distancing instructions
