Proper Planning for a job interview is the smartest thing to do, if you really need to nail that meeting and leave a strong impression.

Job interviews can trigger some panic attacks and anxiety issues especially for fresh graduates as getting everything under control can be deceiving sometimes.
In this post, we will try to gather everything related to creating great first impressions and mastering interviews in a list to make it easy for you.

Get ready to nail that important job interview you dream of for so long.

1- Make sure to seem very confident and calm during your first call to create the perfect impression

Example: When someone from the HR department calls to set an appointment next Sunday,
be confident and interested but avoid extremes so you have to be calm and ask expected questions about the job description and your interviewer as well as the location of the interview.

Use sentences like:
-I am really honored to be a candidate for such an opportunity, can you hold on for a minute just let me check my schedule to make sure i am available next Sunday or not.
(Put then on hold for not less than  one minute  and then confirm the appointment or postpone it according to your schedule )
-Can you please tell me a bit more about the job description and roles?
-To help me prepare for the interview, can you tell me who i might be interviewing with?
-How many people would attend that meeting?
-Also Do you have a dress-code i have to follow? 
2-Put the company's name on every search engines you know and enroll yourself into a detailed research . I always say don't forget the power of a good research so, search about the company's history, business partners,Projects, Clients, Branches, Location, Employees and salaries.
Best Practice:
a)Visit the company's website and scroll down on every section, also check the new releases and linked-in profiles to understand their perspectives, goals and vision.
b) Connect to employees or future colleagues on social Media and study their profiles on Linked-into understand their backgrounds then you can ask them about the work environment and get some handy tips about getting along with the interviewer.
c) Understand the roles of your job description and note your weaknesses and strengths, you will need that for a good negotiation.
d) Use salary information or calculator websites in order to make an estimated average rate for your salary according to your job description, for the salary negotiation phase and to create a picture of how much do employees at this level are being paid.
 List of best salary calculator websites
5-Salary Expert

3-You have to practice being interviewed as it can be tricky but thank god most of the human resources
use easy common interviewing questions known worldwide so you can master answering them by the end of this blog post.

This is the best part, it starts with a gentle knock on the door and a nice smile with that polite GOOD MORNING, this is (Your Name) I am glad to be here today.

People get first impressions about others from the First 20 seconds so you have to make sure you leave a strong, confident and interesting impression once you enter the meeting room.
Best Practice:
1-Constant Eye contact, Smiling and Engaging make others interested in getting to know you better.
So don't lower your eyes and avoid nodding with your head, instead of that talk and express yourself freely, be more engaging.

2-Positive and confident body language and posture creates perfect powerful impressions so you need to start with a confident gentle handshake then have a seat with a stretched back and active free hands, don't hide your hands behind a table or cross them together it makes you less confident and engaging.

3-The interviewer usually starts with common questions such as " Tell me more about yourself "
Best Practice:
an interviewer can be easily charmed by a compelling story as all he is looking for is a situation where you have a task and an action plan and a good result so on giving it to him and he will get impressed. This is commonly known as the STAR method.
Stories are the best and the shortest way to get other's attention, it works like magic.

4- Be honest in every detail, be honest about your willingness to travel or relocate and about your family ties.

5-Mention that you have made some research about the company in the middle of your answers.

6- Show them that you are interested to add value and build a strong career in their company.

7-Build rapport & keep in touch even if you were not accepted so it is nice to take their business cards.

4- Simulate the interview, make a list of all expected and common questions, and try answering them by yourself.
Don't forget to use the SAR Technique in replying, all they need is to hear a story about a situation you were in  and your actions to overcome it then a successful result

  1.  Tell me more about yourself?
  2.  Tell me about your Strengths?
  3.  Tell me about your points of weaknesses?
  4.  Why are you interested to join our company?
  5.  Why did you leave your previous company?
  6.  Are you willing to travel or relocate?
  7.  What would you wish to accomplish in the next 3 months?
  8.  When have you gone above and beyond at work?
  9.  How do you manage to handle a difficult situation?
  10.  How do you manage conflict at work?
  11.  How would you handle a disagreement with your boss?
  12.  What makes you an interesting candidate for this organization? 
  13.  What is your expected salary?
  14.  Do you have any questions? 
5-Last but not least you should pick a proper outfit for such a meeting, according to their dress code and make sure it fits properly, so if you put on weight last winter it is better to get ready for shopping.

Data has been summarized & collected from credible professional courses for your perusal.

References: " Inspired by the amazing work of Valerie Sutton &Linda Raynier.
